God the Father

Foundation of Christian thinking about God

We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen. (there is one God almighty father who made all things)

God is father

  1. Creation (Acts 17:28-29)
  2. Jesus (Luke 3:22)
  3. Believers (Gal 3:26)

What do we expect from a father?

  1. Involvement
  2. Good intentions

God is father creator (Gen 1)

  1. Source of every particle
  2. Director of every process

What does it say about creation?

  1. It is good
  2. Received with grateful humility (Rom 1:21)

God is father almighty

  1. God’s promises cannot be opposed (Exodus)
  2. Call to trust in his promises

Why do bad things happen?